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Mark Updegrove — LBJ Foundation

Posted by on Tuesday, September 4th, 2018 in Blog

Reported by Brad Wiewel

President Julia Benkoski called the meeting to order at noon. Laraine Lasdon led the pledges and Ann Marie Ellis gave the invocation. Girish Altekar led us in reciting the “FOUR WAY TEST.” Our Greeter was David Palmer and our Host was Carl Noble.

President Julie presented Blue Badges to Sam Greer and Leah O’Neill. Congratulations to them!!

Richard Payton spoke about progress on this year’s Camp Enterprise which is coming up on January 25-27, 2019.

President Julie, along with Sergeant-at-Arms Jon Yates, presented the Perfect Attendance Awards and what an amazing group of disciplined members – especially Past Presidents John Braziel and Dale Lowe with 40 YEARS of PERFECT ATTENDANCE – WOW, WOW, WOW!!

Mark Kapner gave an in-depth analysis about our Global Awareness activities, specifically those involving Rotary Peace Fellowships.

Ann Graham led the Thank Goodness Basket, and we heard from: Vlad Bahrencu, Ladd Pattillo (welcome back, Ladd!), Sherry Workman and Lillian Aaron.

Arnold Garcia introduced our program speaker, Mark Updegrove, President and CEO of the LBJ Foundation and Presidential Historian for ABC News. Prior to that, he was Director of the LBJ Presidential Library which hosted the Civil Rights Summit in 2014. He is also the author of four books on the presidency.

Mr. Updegrove gave members insights into the legacy of President Johnson including:

  • Wonderful stories about President Johnson’s sense of humor and climb to power;
  • His quest for Civil Rights legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and how he coaxed Congress into passing these;
  • Vietnam and the stress and struggle it presented to President Johnson; and how the LBJ Library has over 900 recorded calls of the President available for listening;
  • He believes that LBJ’s ultimate legacy will be advancement of Civil Rights and not Vietnam; and
  • He shared the role of Lady Bird Johnson in shaping history as well.

President Julie thanked Mr. Updegrove and presented him with a library book which will be donated in his honor to Fulmore Middle School. She thanked this week’s featured newsletter sponsors Rick Ravel (Karavel Shoes) and Andy Swanson (Centric Commercial) then ended with a thought for the day. The meeting was adjourned right at 1:00 pm.

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