Rotary Club Assembly

Posted by on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 in Blog

Meeting held on May 31st, 2016,
Recorded by Past President John Braun

The meeting was called to order by President Harold Ingersoll. Harold Benkoski led the pledges, Laraine Lasdon gave the Invocation and Kirk Loerwald led the reciting of the Four Way Test. Lillian Aaron was our Greeter, and Steve Stearns introduced our guests and visitors.

President Harold introduced our newest member, Chelsea True. Chelsea is sponsored by Brad Wiewel, and since Brad couldn’t join us Membership Chair Elvin Pool stood in for him. Welcome, Chelsea!

5-31 meeting

Don Busby exchanged his Red Badge for a brand new Blue one…congratulations, Don! Then we heard from Bill Baker during the Member Spotlight; and Mary Reynolds presented Past President Sherry Workman with the Rotary International Interact Club Presidential Citation Award that the Fulmore Middle School Interact Club received in their very first year! Way to go students and congratulations to Sherry, Darrick Eugene, Byron Wilkenfeld and Debbie Simmons for their leadership!

President Harold made several announcements then Executive Director, Jennifer Olsen, drew Jim Furman’s name as the Paul Harris Fellow winner during the Thank Goodness Basket Drawing. We also heard from Jim, Sherry and Past President Gaines Bagby during the Thank Goodness Basket led by Michael Portman.

This concluded the “business” portion of the meeting so we broke for Fellowship and to visit the stations of the various Committees represented to learn about them and sign up to volunteer for the upcoming year.

If you have questions about any of our committees, or to volunteer for one or more, please contact Jennifer in the Rotary Office.

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