Ryan Robinson, City Demographer

Posted by on Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 in Blog

Reported by Laraine Lasdon

President Dale Lowe called the meeting to order. Don Bledsoe led pledges, Michael Abelson gave the invocation, and Chelsea True led the Four-Way Test. Guests and Visitors were greeted by Chris Forrest and Chris Ray (Guest/Visitor); and our Host was Myron Burse.

Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) Award presentations were made for: Karen Collins, Phil Owens, Juan Portillo, Tracy Warren and Glenn West. Thank you for your support and Congratulations!

Announcements: Mary Reynolds announced an upcoming Career Day at Pecan Springs Elementary School and asked for volunteers; President-elect Sara Pantin reminded everyone to come to her wine tasting on Friday and bring a “Romantic” wine; Richard Payton announced the ARCF dinner on March 9th and encouraged all to attend; Laraine Lasdon announced that applications were open for the Peace Fellow Scholarship and that a new Peace Exchange was being considered with the District and RI’s US-RUSSIA program; and Adam Borger presented the Global Awareness Update.

Nadir Abdeladim stood in for Michael Portman and led the Thank Goodness Basket, and we heard from Leslie Bagby (who is hosting a diaper drive for Vlad Bahrencu and his new twins) and Michael Abelson.

Judge Lee Yeakel was the lucky winner of our drawing for a PHF Award.

Former Mayor Ron Mullen introduced our speaker, Demographer Ryan Robinson. Austin’s demographic narrative points:

  • 11th largest city in the US
  • Asian – African American population growing
  • Latino fastest growing segment especially younger age groups
  • Seniors fast growing sector – retirees arriving looking for housing options
  • Austin has had rapid and sustained growth in population and jobs
  • Socio-economic separations persist
  • 2015 – over 2m people in SMSA
  • Open/Entrepeneurial culture. Well educated work force, cultural vibrancy
  • International Immigrant gateway
  • Major political changes – Single member Districts
  • Major question mark – sustained Quality of Life issues

President Dale Lowe presented Ryan with a book to sign that we will donate to Fulmore Middle School in his honor and adjourned the meeting.

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