Women of Heartsong

Posted by on Tuesday, December 15th, 2015 in Blog

Meeting on December 15, 2015, Recorded by Leslie Bagby

President Harold Ingersoll called the meeting to order right at noon. Bob Bowman led the pledges and Past President Ron Mullen gave the invocation. Don Busby led us in reciting the “FOUR WAY TEST”. Rachel Ruiz was our greeter at the top of the stairs and Myron Burse checked-in and introduced our visitors and guests.

Carl Noble gave the 60 second member spotlight. Tillery Castillo announced the 2nd Annual Membership Soiree on January 19, 2016 at the Headliner’s Club. Look for flyers and announcements in January.

Michael Portman presented Russell Gallahan with his first Paul Harris Fellow Award. Congratulations, Russell!

Darrick Eugene, Phil Owens, Dick Brown, Adrian Moore, Stephanie Perkins, Harold Ingersoll and Mike Capps all came forward for the “Thank Goodness Basket.”

Election Results: President Nominee: Sara Pantin; and Board Members: Allison Allen and Bill Koen. Congratulations to our newly elected leaders, and thank you to everyone who was
nominated and agreed to serve if elected!

Stanley Bullard introduced the singing group, Women of Heartsong, led by Edie Elkjer. This talented group entertained us as they sang pop and holiday songs. Beautiful harmony and lively a cappella singing provided a perfect ending to the Rotary Year!

President Harold reminded everyone that there are no Rotary meetings until January 5, 2016. Happy Holidays!

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